This year we will be honoring Past Faithful Navigator SK Donald Masse will be February 22, 2014 at Anthony's Italian Restaurant in Drexel Hill. Attached are forms for the AD BOOK, and for the PATRON AD and DINNER RESERVATION FORM. Send your AD BOOK FORM to SK Michael Vecchione at Veccm@aol.com and your PATRON AD FORM to SK Neal Pizzano at npizzano@hotmail.com. Send your DINNER RESERVATION FORM to SK Fran O'Hara at fran@ridleypa.us (You can also send them in by mail to the addresses listed on the forms). This years dinner choices will be Chicken Française or Stuffed Flounder . Cocktails start at 6:00 PM and Dinner at 7:00 PM. The Dinner will be held on the lower level of Anthony's so stairs will not be a problem. Dinner Reservations:
remains at $50 per person. Patron AD:
Ads remain
at $5. Ads will not be placed nor be counted towards a free ticket unless accompanied by a check from the council. AD BOOK ADs: - CLICK HERE Costs remain the same as last year:
Preferred Page: $75 ADs will NOT be placed unless accompanied by payment when submitted.
get your forms in early.